What does that mean ?
That's the final test of police dogs...
Rocket with a opper wire
An experiment at the University of Florida. They fired a rocket with a copper wire in the clouds, causing a discharge.
Street legal flying car O_o
Maybe I’ve just watched “Back to the Future” too many times but the latest design from Ma.-based Terrafugia, the maker of flying aircrafts that also work as cars, looks like all that’s missing is Doc and some plutonium.
The next-gen TF-X will be a street legal plug-in hybrid car that has collapsible wings, retractable propellers, and is capable of driving and flying on its own in the event of an emergency.Respect
River over a river...
It's just a cake
Life of Pi
Brushing your teeth BEFORE you eat breakfast is healthier for your teeth!
A recent survey revealed that 81% of people were completely unaware that brushing your teeth after you eat a breakfast which includes juice or any sugary foods can actually permanently damage your teeth!
The reason you can suffer from permanent enamel damage is because sugar foods and beverages make the enamel on your teeth weak, and if you brush your teeth immediately after your enamel is weakened, you can damage your precious teeth! So, what should you do?
Dentists recommend brushing your teeth BEFORE breakfast, rather than after. However, you can also lay off the sugary foods in the morning, wait an hour after eating to brush your teeth, or, have some cheese or milk to help balance out the acids in your mouth!Alcohol...
Don't need to get too technical, but according to chemistry, alcohol is a solution...
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